This review is for the property management and a tenant residing in this building I as another tenant at 1284 can tell you that your review is invalid The problems here are mainly caused by tenants like you who think they should be treated with more value than others This was all sparked when Glen created an association due to drama between himself and his n
This review is for the property management and a tenant residing in this building I as another tenant at 1284 can tell you that your review is invalid The problems here are mainly caused by tenants like you who think they should be treated with more value than others This was all sparked when Glen created an association due to drama between himself and his neighbors the superintendent wasnt evicted and this led to Carlos quitting from all the emotional stress due to Glen and Johns harassment Its appalling how Anne was spoken to in such an inappropriate manner with her young child present what kind of treatment does she receive at home They complain about marijuana yet not their son who smokes like Cheech Chong not mentioning Johns growup operation visible from Shopper Drug Mart Despite tenants blaming Carlos Jenny they made upgrades including Anne Glens kitchen renovations were denied by thenmanagement Donna so Carlos would hide it behind management while using supplies he had in stock It seems Ted Slightham hired a new lady manager who doesnt know how the building works relying on her husband instead of staff employed by them they need a new owner new management and new tenants All things considered don't move into this building if these aforementioned tenants are still living here as you will become one of their targets emergency situations like fires arent handled properly either
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