If you are searching for a place to rent in Wichita don't waste your time or money as this is not the place I would recommend There were several issues that occurred while I lived there Firstly when I expressed an interest in filling out an application they said there was a waiting list and asked me to submit a 350 check The following day when I went back to
If you are searching for a place to rent in Wichita don't waste your time or money as this is not the place I would recommend There were several issues that occurred while I lived there Firstly when I expressed an interest in filling out an application they said there was a waiting list and asked me to submit a 350 check The following day when I went back to ask questions they said my name was never on the list Secondly reviews of Cross Creek Apartments indicated that management had taken things from multiple apartments and even stole a pet dog Thirdly one night when arriving home around 130 am I found my patio door wide open with nothing missing except 2 boxes of fruit snacks that were on the counter Managements response To invest in cameras however this wouldnt have prevented my car from being broken into by thieves who ransacked it heavily the next Tuesday leaving papers scattered about and sticky residue everywhere Following these incidents I decided to buy a house so submitted my lease termination letter but still had to pay 1638 due to living at Cross Creek for 4 months after these events occurred even though buying a house requires approval from lenders finding a realtor and setting ones budget prior to closing on it Lastly many longterm tenants at Cross Creek remain because they have nowhere else go elderly people especially are treated rudely by management yet stay put as they can afford no other option heartbreaking stories indeed
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